Wednesday 27 June 2012

Class of 2012

Class of 2012- 6th Class Ennis Educate Together
Today 6th class finished up school. We had a graduation ceremony for the pupils and their parents and guardians. We wish them all the best for next year.

Tuesday 26 June 2012

School Tour

Thursday 21st June 2012 we went on our school to Galway with our teachers Kelly and Mary Treasa. We visited the Aquarium in Salthill first of all where we got to feed some fish, hold a spider crab and hold some starfish. Then we went to hipkidz where we got to do 4 fun zones. We did long jump, high jump, slow bike race, obstacle course, dodgeball, climbing wall and bouncy castle. Afterwards we got our lunch yummy chips, burgers, sausages and nuggets. We were all really tired coming back on the bus but we had a great day :)

Friday 22 June 2012

Summer Gardening

Today we got to plant our sweetpeas and pumpkins in the school garden. We planted them a few weeks ago and they were growing in pots outside our classroom, today they were ready to go on the ground. We had a lot of preparation to do before we put the plants in the ground. Alan the school gardener showed us the different plants that some of the other classes have planted in the garden. He showed us how to make tipis and how to plant our sweetpeas and pumpkins.


Wednesday 20 June 2012

Working with Hessian

This week in class we learned how to sew on hessian. We did our initials first to practice sewing, and then we did our names. It was really relaxing sewing, we all enjoyed it.

Friday 18 May 2012

International Day 2012

International Day 2012- Welcome to Thailand
"The Land of Smiles"
Today our classroom became The Kingdom of Thailand. Come in and have a look around. "Rab"- Welcome

Two Buddhist Monks

The monks meditating  

Look some Thai Ladies came to visit

Thai Food- Pineapple and Thai Biscuits

Our Buddhism Table Display

Junior & Senior Infants helping us decorate our elephant to get him ready for the Elephant festival

Glitter and Flowers are used to decorate him

Busy at work...

Putting some jewels on the elephant

Some of the infants joined in to meditiate

Us dressed up

Worshipping "Buddha"

Our Food Display

""Sa-was-dee"- Hi

1st and 2nd class join in to meditate