Friday 18 May 2012

International Day 2012

International Day 2012- Welcome to Thailand
"The Land of Smiles"
Today our classroom became The Kingdom of Thailand. Come in and have a look around. "Rab"- Welcome

Two Buddhist Monks

The monks meditating  

Look some Thai Ladies came to visit

Thai Food- Pineapple and Thai Biscuits

Our Buddhism Table Display

Junior & Senior Infants helping us decorate our elephant to get him ready for the Elephant festival

Glitter and Flowers are used to decorate him

Busy at work...

Putting some jewels on the elephant

Some of the infants joined in to meditiate

Us dressed up

Worshipping "Buddha"

Our Food Display

""Sa-was-dee"- Hi

1st and 2nd class join in to meditate

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