Monday 5 March 2012

Science- Heart Dissection

Last Thursday in class our teacher surprised us by bringing in sheeps hearts to dissect for our science lesson. We were learning about The Aztecs for the month of February and we learnt that The Aztecs used to sacrifice hearts to the sun god to make the sun rise up as they believed the sun died at night time. We had never seen a heart before. We prepared for the lesson by cleaning our tables, putting out books under our tables, covering our desks in newspapers and putting on old t-shirts to protect our clothes. Our teacher Kelly showed us how to look at a heart and told us what she wanted us to do. We were all so excited to touch the hearts. We were given small knives, gloves and paper plates and the the hearts. We had to work in groups on the hearts. We had two hearts per group so everyone got a chance to hold one and cut it open. We first had to find the aorta and the vena cava of the heart which was easy to find. You could put your finger into the aorta which felt funny. Next we had to cut the heart and show our teacher the 4 chambers of the heart. After that we were allowed to cut the heart and explore it. Some of us found veins and vessels in the heart. It was such a cool day getting to cut open hearts. Have a look at some of our photos.